The Best Anti-Inflammatory is Free!
The best answer to inflammation is to prevent it, by providing your body with a rich supply of free radical scavenging antioxidants. What this means to most of us are fruits and vegetables ... lots of fruits and vegetables. Good idea. And there's an even better way to...
Our Bodies Tell Healing Stories
There's a growing body of research suggesting that illness is often a reflection of unconscious emotional energy, or buried stress. Our language expresses our intuitive understanding of this process when we say, "She's a pain in the neck", or, "This job is eating away...
Heart Rate Variability … What is it?
Learning how to cultivate a higher level of Heart Rate Variability is very likely the single most important thing you can do to support your physical healing and emotional well-being. The research around Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and the Self-Regulation methods...
Listening … A Path to Healing
One of the advantages of journaling is that a journal doesn't talk back. A journal patiently waits for whatever comes next. A journal doesn't interrupt or distract us from our honest, heartfelt expression. On the other hand a journal doesn't really care. So, if we can...
The Intelligence of the Human Heart
New science is confirming that our hearts are neurological centers of intuition, creativity, and biochemical healing, in addition to being muscular pumps. So it seems that the poets did know a thing or two about the human heart. Learning to activate the wisdom of your...
Can Healing Make Me Feel Worse?
The answer is 'Yes' ... with an explanation. Since the healing process involves tissue repair, as well as cellular detoxification, healing can often be a complex process that involves some temporary discomfort. This is a very different process from the suppression of...
When Emotional Pain Becomes Biology
A study published in the August issue of the journal Pediatrics, suggests that psychological abuse can be just as damaging to a child's physical, emotional, and mental health, as other forms of maltreatment, including physical and sexual abuse. The literature in the...
‘Thoughts’ Are Energy Medicine
Research into the power of placebos sheds light on the power of our thoughts to help or hinder our health. A study on aging showed that when participants were asked to focus on words that had a negative connotation when related to advancing age, like 'slowing down',...
Slow Breathing for Fast Times
Slowing down your breathing is one of the most important things you can do to positively affect your physical and emotional health. It's amazing that we can influence our biology so profoundly with something that's free ... as well as, side-effect free. Slowing down...
From Chaos to Creativity
In the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra comments that out of chaos and confusion come his certainty. You might think, "That's easy for him to say, he's a spiritual adept, but what about me?" Actually, I said that yesterday. I'm also very fortunate to be...
Easy Breathing for What Ails You
The most accessible, and at the same time, the most elusive resource for supporting our health, is our breath. Fortunately, our breath is controlled by deep, unconscious parts of our brain, which allow us to breathe through the night without being consciously aware....
Body Wisdom & Somatic Focusing
Our body is an interactive intelligence that's just waiting to be acknowledged by our conscious mind. The body's language comes in the form of sensations and feelings, that are all too often ignored or avoided, in favor of more familiar and trusted mental processes....
The Power of Conscious Touch
The more I learn about touch therapies, the more I see that the intention behind the touch is as powerful, or more so, than the exact location of the touch. Whether it's the more informed touch of acupressure, or the caring hand on the shoulder of a loved one, touch...
‘Oy Vey!’ Acupressure for Adrenal Repair!
We all possess an amazing inner wisdom, a wisdom of the body (and spirit), that's just waiting to be tapped for healing and wholeness. I was just reading about the work of psychologist and researcher, Dr. William Emerson. His work focuses on the pervasiveness of...
Updating Memory for Healing Old Wounds
Painful memories and the traumatic energy they contain, can be changed, affording us more peace and wholeness. For me, understanding just how malleable the experience of memories is gives me more confidence when working on my own painful past, as well as when working...
The Placebo & Power to the People!
The placebo, the simple sugar pill, is proving to validate the healing power, not of pharmaceutical drugs, but the healing power of the human mind. The placebo may not add to the coffers of the drug companies, but it can certainly profit individuals in their intention...
Nice Genes!
A Harvard University study that was conducted in 1989 revealed the amazing power that our environment holds over the activity of our genes and our biology. A group of volunteers that were age seventy or over were sequestered in a retreat center for a week. The center...
Polyvagal Theory …. It’s All About Relationships!
Over thirty years ago I was in a significant amount of pain one day while at work and was pleasantly surprised when my pain suddenly went away (though temporarily) after sharing a laugh with some coworkers. That noteworthy experience, that has stayed with me all of...
One Million Cells Die Every Minute …. and the Good News?
The good news is that one million cells are born every minute, whew! It's likely that we have the option of nurturing these new cells better than we did the old. We can give these cells a better epigenetic environment ..... a better childhood .... than we did the old....
Stress and Self-Regulation Practices
Here's a brief reminder about the consequences of an unabated stress response, or said another way, what happens when we ignore the needs of our soul and put off our self-regulating practices, such as: yoga, meditation, Focusing, HeartMath techniques, Energy...