Welcome to the first of my posts on Mind-Body Medicine and the introduction of my website. Ideally, the information I share will be an ongoing reminder of your amazing inner capacity for self-healing and provide motivation for you to practice your self-healing processes regularly.
There’s a growing body of exciting new science and a wealth of clinical experience that supports the concept that the mind, memories, and emotions are significant causes of illness, as well as deep reservoirs of untapped healing potential.
If this is the case, the information I share and my encouragement to be consistent with your self-regulation processes, can serve up a degree of healing that would be impossible without this awareness.
Imagine owning the most advanced healing technology ever created …. one that could enhance all aspects of your health and potential for healing …. and without side effects.
The truth is, you already possess this technology. It’s programmed into your biology, but you’ve never been issued a proper user’s manual. And if your health isn’t ideal, it’s likely that these inner healing mechanisms have become imbalanced, due to the challenges, and the stresses and strain of life.
The story of these innate healing mechanisms is being documented by research in neuroscience, epigenetics, neurocardiology, and other emerging sciences. To know about this research is to know about new options for preserving or restoring your health.
Did you know that 85% of all illness is stress induced? (Segerstrom & Miller 2004) Chronic, unconscious stress upsets the natural balance of your autonomic nervous system, disturbing your body’s natural ability to maintain and repair itself, making you even more vulnerable to the effects of poor diet, environmental toxins, and microbes.
The resulting breakdown of proper function is what we eventually call disease, by any number of names. An enlightening Kaiser Permanente study involving over 70,000 individuals showed that childhood emotional trauma was a significant factor in the development of chronic disease later in life. This type of information is showing us that for the most part, illness is an inside job …. and so is healing.
Conventional Medicine Has It’s Limitations
We often think of healing as the job of highly trained medical professionals. When it comes to emergency medicine and many life or death situations, highly technical western medicine is the number one tool of choice. However, when dealing with issues of chronic disease, like the variety of maladies that keep the prescription drug manufacturers in business, conventional medicine’s track record is poor.
An article from the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1998 reported that the third leading cause of death in the U.S., behind cancer and heart disease, was iatrogenic in nature, meaning that is was due to a combination of the adverse effects of drugs, infections acquired in hospitals, unnecessary surgeries, and other iatrogenic (doctor caused) illnesses.
This isn’t meant as a condemnation of conventional medicine. Rather, it’s an urgent call to use the appropriate tool for the appropriate job. Let’s allow modern medicine to play to it’s strengths, while we become more informed and more responsible for taking care of our own health.
New Science & New Options For Self-Healing
Self-Healing-Science.com is dedicated to presenting the new science that validates your self-healing capacity and the healing practices of Mind-Body Medicine. Mind-Body Medicine focuses on how the mind, emotions, beliefs, and emotional traumas profoundly affect our biology and what we can do about it. You’ll find an opportunity on this site for learning how to move from being a victim to more of a master of your health.
Where Spirit Meets Biology
Did you know that your heart has its own brain, a brain that’s 50 times stronger electrically and 5000 times stronger magnetically, than the brain in your head? Did you know that your heartbeat is a biological signal, influenced by feelings of gratitude and love, that either activates or inhibits gene expression in controlling your biochemistry, and ultimately your health?
And did you know that with training, most everyone can learn to change their heartbeat for the better, and enhance their potential for healing in a way that no drug could ever do? This fascinating information about the heart is just one example of the new science that you will learn about on this site and in the Self-Healing-Science blog.
Personal Health Consulting
I present the new science and the detailed practices that allow you to confidently re-activate your innate healing mechanisms in my Polyvagal Solution program. You’ll learn how to effectively address chronic stress and buried emotional wounds, while repairing the impact those stressors have had on your physiology.
In a culture dominated by the interests of large institutions, and the need to maintain the status quo, the remarkable, inner healing capacity of the human mind and body is often ridiculed, or ignored, in favor of more conventional, costly, inefficient, and harmful methods. The aim of this site and blog is to make the new science supporting our self-healing capacities readily available and comprehensible to interested individuals, so they can confidently make more informed choices regarding healthcare for themselves and loved ones.