Welcome to Self-Healing-Science.com where I introduce the new science that validates our self-healing capacities and the practical tools for activating those inner mechanisms.
We’ll start with the big picture of what makes us sick and how we get well. My hope is that what’s presented on this site offers you new information, tools, and above all, confidence in your pursuit of healing.
What’s ‘hidden’ is our ever present emotional history of insults, traumas, and unresolved conflicts that have been buried deep within. This burden of emotional pain and suffering (most likely out of conscious awareness) is perceived unconsciously as a threat to our existence. This ongoing threat fuels a chronic stress response, fatigues our adrenal glands, and ultimately serves as the foundation for all chronic illness.
We’re leaning that this buried emotional history is driving our physiology…..our health. What’s making us sick are these unresolved conflicts and their destructive influence on our biochemistry and self-healing mechanisms, leaving us more and more vulnerable to the damaging influences of environmental toxins, infectious microbes, and poor diet.
We may think that we’re bearing up well against the stressors in our lives, both the stressors that we’re conscious of and the burden of buried, unconscious stressors. We may deny that stress is an issue, or argue that there’s nothing we can do to change it. Nevertheless, the stress response is the primary culprit that’s breaking down our biology and creating the symptoms we label as disease. A 2004 meta-analysis by Segerstrom and Miller at the University of Kentucky examined 30 years of research involving over 300 empirical articles and concluded that 85% of primary care physician visits was due to the results of unconscious stress. The stress response is triggered, and then chronically activated, by the emotional insults, traumas, and unresolved conflicts that we’ve buried over the course of our lives.
When we repair the stress response, with the regular use of self-regulating practices like the HeartMath techniques, Somatic Focusing, and other Self-Regulation practices that I share on the Personal Health Consulting page, we’re actually activating genes that enhance immune function and detoxification capacity …. and that’s just the beginning. Inhibiting the stress response opens the door to true healing, as opposed to the conventional medical approach of treating symptoms, while ignoring the cause of illness. The good news is that learning to reprogram the stress response is within your control.
It’s the biological energy that’s bound to unfinished, but forgotten, emotional injuries, that disrupts our biochemistry. Of course, factors such as poor diet, environmental toxins, and infectious microbes all have their influences on our health, but it’s the damaging effects of the stress response that makes us so vulnerable to those influences.
The pioneering medical researcher Dr. Hans Selye gave us the term ‘stress’, and a new way to look at disease and its treatment. He demonstrated that most of the hundreds of diseases and their variety of symptoms as defined by Western Medicine, were the result of the stress response and its damaging effects on our biochemistry.
Consequently, it becomes a priority to treat the stress response itself, the common denominator of most disease processes, both physical and psycho-emotional, rather than focusing solely on symptomatic treatment. True and lasting healing requires that the stress response is inhibited, that the autonomic nervous system is balanced, and that years of faulty biochemistry and glandular dysfunction are repaired.
To obtain more than temporary, symptomatic relief, a comprehensive program that balances mind, body, and emotions is necessary.
Most of us have experienced the use of drugs in treating illness. They are often helpful and necessary in life or death situations, yet often cause more problems than they resolve when used regularly in the treatment of chronic illness. Part of the problem is that they manipulate symptoms, by blocking normal metabolic pathways, without addressing the cause of the illness. Many individuals who have tired of drugs and who favor more natural means have found that even a great diet and lots of supplements rarely provides lasting relief. The more natural approach is fine, but severely lacking, if the buried emotions that generate ill health are not being addressed.
In my clinical practice of over twenty five years I’ve found that to effectively provide real healing and lasting relief we need to address the hidden emotions, buried traumas, and limiting beliefs that fuel the stress response in addition to the more obvious forms of natural treatment, such as nutritional balancing and diet. The science that I share on this site helps us to appreciate the connection between stress and illness, and also validates our self-healing capacity.
Dr. Templin offers online courses and consultations, and sees patients personally in his office in Lakeland, Florida. You can learn more about his course Bio-Energetic Focusing: A Revolutionary Medical Model for Self-Healing! here.
Steven Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac., is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, specializing in MindBody Medicine. He is a certified META-Medicine Health Coach and nationally certified acupuncturist. He shares the underlying science and more importantly, the practical tools for resolving the unconscious energetic and emotional roots of illness. In his online course Bio-Energetic Focusing: A Revolutionary Medical Model for Self-Healing! he provides training in Self-Regulation skills, that include Bio-Energetic Focusing, HeartMath and Energy Psychology techniques, Energy Medicine modalities, and Gastrointestinal repair for enhanced immunity, mood, and mental clarity. Dr. Templin is in private practice in Lakeland, Florida, at the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland.