863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Support for Stressed Adrenals

by | Sep 4, 2015

The adrenal glands bear the brunt of our overly stressed lifestyles. Adrenal overwork and fatigue help to explain how ‘stress’, something that can seem so mental or emotional, leads to physical illness.

Chronic stress disrupts the balance of the adrenal hormones which in turn negatively influence the function of every other gland and organ, including your brain. This often manifests as symptoms that can’t be explained by lab work.

The adrenal glands essentially need two things to heal. They need rest and the appropriate nutrients that are specific to adrenal gland tissue.

The ‘rest’ is accomplished by the regular practice of self-regulation skills, like the breathing techniques I’ve discussed recently. Rest is the number one priority. Rest also involves the inner work, that’s supported by the self-regulation skills, of discovering and releasing old mental and emotional burdens that chronically over tax and drain the adrenals.

Rest gives the glands some time off so they can heal. And they will heal faster if they’re supported nutritionally.

Two major groups of nutrients come to mind when thinking of the adrenal glands. B vitamins are needed by the adrenals to function properly. They also support mood and cognitive ability. And since the B’s are depleted by stress, it can be essential that we supplement with them.

Adaptogenic herbs are the next group of nutrients that have proven to support adrenal function. Adaptogens nurture tissues so that they function more appropriately. Adaptogens help to normalize function and give the body what it needs, whether that means to speed up or to slow down glandular activity.


How to Raise the Anti-Aging Hormone DHEA

Here’s a brief reminder about the value of slow, gentle breathing. The HeartMath Institute has demonstrated that breathing in for 5-6 seconds and breathing out for the same duration, when practiced 30 minutes daily over 30 consecutive days, on average doubled the DHEA in the test population consisting of 60-year-olds.

DHEA is the adrenal hormone that’s considered the anti-aging hormone. Doubling the level of this hormone is confirmation that the adrenals are recuperating.


More About the Supplements

If you’re interested in supporting yourself with the nutrients I mentioned above, here’s more information regarding the trusted, pharmaceutical grade source I use and the supportive literature for the products. There’s also information showing how you can order these products directly.

I routinely use two researched products that satisfy the needs for both the B’s and the adaptogens. The B vitamin product that’s designed specifically for adrenal support is called Corticare B. You can see the doctor’s information sheet here. The herbal adaptogen that’s designed for adrenal support is called Cortisolv, and you can read about the formula and supportive research here.

The link below takes you to a page where you can sign up for a personal account with Xymogen. This will allow you to order pharmaceutical grades products online and have them shipped directly to your home.


2010-11-07-11.36.03Steven Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac. specializes in Acupuncture and Limbic Brain Reprogramming to address the roots of chronic pain and illness. He offers a comprehensive mind-body program for addressing the underlying inflammation, toxicities, and stress-induced causes of most pain and illness.

He places special emphasis on resolving the stress response and repairing adrenal gland and digestive system function to address the root causes of many common and often difficult to treat illnesses.

He translates emerging research in the fields of Epigenetics, Energy Psychology, and Functional Nutrition into effective practices that you can perform at home.

You can work with Dr. Templin in his Lakeland office, or online. You can visit his website at www.stevetemplin.com and contact him via email at drtemplin@gmail.com.

You can schedule an office visit with Dr. Templin by calling 863-838-2779.



I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.