863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Serenity Now!!!

by | Jul 3, 2014

If you’re a Seinfeld fan you may remember the ever perturbed Mr. Costanza bellowing “SERENITY NOW, SERENITY NOW!!!”.

I’m sure that ‘The Institute for Very Loud Affirmations’ has it’s devotees. Control and domination are proven and familiar strategies in our face (1)culture … at least they were for settling the west, building railroads, and killing bacteria with antibiotics.

Actually, the antibiotic strategy is looking to be a tad flawed … considering the drug induced creation of resistant strains of bacteria. More about that looming threat to the future mankind in a later post … but after we enjoy the holiday weekend.

When it comes to our biology … domination, control, and judgment actually shut down the more resourceful functioning of our brain, nervous system, glands, and our resulting biochemistry. This leaves us less equipped to deal effectively with the demands of life.

There are however parts of the human brain that readily respond to kindness, compassion and love.

Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory explains how non-judgmental and kind interaction puts a brake on the stress response and in turn restores resourcefulness to our brain and nervous system, enabling us to respond more creatively and resourcefully to life’s challenges.

You can read more about that in a previous post.

Fortunately, our always available and hardworking heart provides direct access to this self-healing potential housed in our brain. The human heart is composed of 60-65% neurological tissue. Our hearts actually have a functional brain. Here’s a previous post about your heart being more than a pump.

We can learn to activate the brain in our heart that will assist in balancing the brain in our head through the practice of non-judgmental sensory awareness and slow breathing. These qualities are the common threads shared by most of the self-regulation strategies I teach.

Here’s a simple reminder of how you can interrupt old patterns of judgment, control, and reactivity … while at the same time programming more ideal brain and body function. The benefits are cumulative … so practice often.

Simple, quick and effective … here goes:

1.   The next time you feel stressed … bugged … (think of Mr. Costanza if you need a reminder of what that looks like) … immediately pause and curiously notice how that makes you feel … in your torso (no analyzing, no need to understand) just connecting with your direct sensory experience … just notice curiously.

2.   Then take one very conscious and s-l-o-w (5-6 seconds) breath. Five to six seconds in … and five to six seconds out.

3.   Notice … bring to mind … something for which you are grateful … and appreciate how that feels.

And of course … you can always scream SERENITY NOW!!!


StevenStevePic1 Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac., is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and nationally certified acupuncturist, specializing in Self-Regulation Training (to resolve the omnipresent stress-induced component of illness), Energy Medicine, Mind-Body Medicine, and Diet and Nutrition to repair the Gut-Immune-Brain Axis.

In his Self-Regulation training program he shares the science and most importantly the effective practices for transforming physical health and emotional well-being. Self-Regulation practices will greatly enhance the effectiveness of other therapeutic interventions, like diet and lifestyle modifications.

He teaches and consults online, and sees patients at the Natural Medicine Center in Lakeland, Florida. You can learn more about Dr. Templin and his healing program  by visiting www.stevetemplin.com.


I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.