863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Heart Intelligence, Inflammation, and Healing

by | Jun 8, 2015

Inflammation is epidemic and leads to pain and illness … in fact most illness, both physical issues like arthritis and psycho-emotional diagnoses like anxiety or depression.

Inflammation is a natural, temporary part of a healing process, but when it becomes chronic our quality of life suffers.

You can always get a prescription for prednisone, use an over the counter anti-inflammatory, or go natural with fish oils or cherry juice.

In addition to, or as an alternative to the above, you could invite your own nervous system to inform your immune system that the inflammation was no longer necessary and should be stopped.

You can do that.

When the vagus nerve is stimulated (it’s the nerve that leaves your brain to control all of your organs) inflammation in inhibited. One proven mechanism that’s been demonstrated is that the pro-inflammatory chemical TNF Alpha is reduced when the vagus nerve is stimulated.

Meditation is one proven method of reducing TNF Alpha and the inflammation that it triggers.


HeartMath Technology Validates Our Self-Healing Capacity

That’s why I initially introduce all of my patients to the HeartMath technology. In real-time in the office they get to see how a simple practice of focused awareness and slow breathing stimulates their vagus nerve. This is real science. It’s call neuro-cardiology.

It’s really about how the interaction between the nervous system in our heart and the nervous system in the brain promotes healing that can not be accomplished with external interventions.

Most of us are living in a neurologically imbalanced state that promotes inflammation, pain, and illness. It’s for the most part unconscious. The body has gotten stuck in a neurological and biochemical state that was only designed to be a temporary experience.

One of the great benefits of the HeartMath technology that I use is that it demonstrates in real-time if what we’re doing is really working (changing gene expression and vagal balance that eventually improves your health) … or if we’re just relaxing.


Medical Intervention vs. The Wisdom of Nature

What triggered this article was a piece of research that I read showing the value of surgically implanting a device in the chest that would stimulate the vagus nerve for six minutes daily … resulting in a reduction of TNF Alpha and a reduction in inflammatory symptoms.

That’s exciting news, but selective chest surgery … really?

I did a search and found equivalent benefits on TNF Alpha reduction through meditation.

The point here is that we already possess the inner mechanisms necessary for healing. The science that validates the healing power of the human heart already exists.

The biggest challenge for most of us is to put this knowledge into a consistent, meaningful daily practice so that we reap the greatest medical and psychological benefit.

It’s too easy to lose hope and our health when we’re only aware of the limited possibilities offered by conventional medicine.

If you know someone who is looking for new options and new hope for healing, and who would be excited at the prospect of being more responsible for their own health, please tell them about me and what I do and I’ll be glad to share this new healing paradigm with them.



Steven Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac. offers a comprehensive mind-body program for addressing the underlying inflammation, toxicities, and stress-induced causes of most pain and illness.

He places special emphasis on resolving the stress response and repairing adrenal gland and digestive system function to address the root causes of many common and often difficult to treat illnesses.

He translates emerging research in the fields of Epigenetics, Energy Psychology, and Functional Nutrition into effective practices that you can perform at home.

You can work with Dr. Templin online, or in his Lakeland, Florida office at the Natural Medicine Center. You can visit his website at www.stevetemplin.com and contact him via email at drtemplin@gmail.com.

You can schedule a nutritional consultation or an office visit with Dr. Templin by calling 863-838-2779.


I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.