863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Easy Breathing for What Ails You

by | Jul 26, 2012

The most accessible, and at the same time, the most elusive resource for supporting our health, is our breath.

Fortunately, our breath is controlled by deep, unconscious parts of our brain, which allow us to breathe through the night without being consciously aware. It’s also this unconscious control that allows harmful breathing patterns to exist for decades.

Limited breathing patterns can be learned in infancy, as a defense against shock, pain, and painful emotions. The less we breathe, the less we feel. This is a useful, stress dampening strategy … but only in the short term.

As these limiting patterns become chronic, they adversely affect the health of our body, mind and spirit. The stress response, along with the breathing patterns that reinforce it, can negatively influence any chronic or acute illness.

The good news is that we can learn to reprogram our brain and breath. Balanced breathing has a measurable impact on the rhythm of the heartbeat. It  creates a heart rhythm that reflects the muting of the stress response and the balancing of the autonomic nervous system. This is the system that’s responsible for controlling our biochemistry.

Here’s the Quick Coherence guide from the HeartMath Institute. This is a user friendly breathing and heart activating technique that’s gentle and powerful. It readily creates positive changes in Heart Rate Variability (HRV), and when used over time creates lasting changes in body and brain chemistry. Enjoy.

Dr. Templin offers online courses and consultations, and sees patients personally in his office in Lakeland, Florida. You can learn more about his course Bio-Energetic Focusing: A Revolutionary Medical Model for Self-Healing! here.

Steven Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac., is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine, specializing in MindBody Medicine. He is a certified META-Medicine Health Coach and nationally certified acupuncturist. He shares the underlying science and more importantly, the practical tools for resolving the unconscious energetic and emotional roots of illness. In his online course Bio-Energetic Focusing: A Revolutionary Medical Model for Self-Healing! he provides training in Self-Regulation skills, that include Bio-Energetic Focusing, HeartMath and Energy Psychology techniques,  Energy Medicine modalities, and Gastrointestinal repair for enhanced immunity, mood, and mental clarity. Dr. Templin is in private practice in Lakeland, Florida, at the Natural Medicine Center of Lakeland.



I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.