863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Ear Acupuncture … With or Without Needles!

by | Jun 5, 2013

There are over one hundred acupuncture points on the outer surface of your ear. So, the next time you scratch your ear you’re very likely stimulating an organ, gland, or a specific part of your brain.

The surface of the ear is one of the micro acupuncture systems that’s used to reflexively support health and healing.  There are also micro systems on the hands, feet, nose and scalp.

The ear is like a mini circuit breaker box for your brain and the points are the circuit breakers. Treating the points on the ear is akin to restoring the circuitry that’s been disturbed by life’s stressful and toxic influences. The vagus nerve may offer a more technical explanation of how ear acupuncture works, but the breaker box is a useful metaphor.

Where I’m from in South Florida, auricular or ear acupuncture has been a part of the drug court system for twenty years. Auricular acupuncture has been proven to reduce the symptoms of drug withdrawal and to reduce the rates of recidivism.

The points on the ear connect with every imaginable body part and biological function. These points can be stimulated in the traditional method with acupuncture needles … or with magnets, laser light, and my personal favorite … microcurrent.

One of the benefits of using microcurrent is that it’s a completely painless method of treating patients who may not be comfortable with needles. This is also an excellent method when treating children for issues like A.D.H.D.

A refreshing and calming self treatment is to simply rub both ears with your thumbs and fingers. While this self treatment isn’t organ or gland specific, when combined with a full breathe or two, it does invite balance to your left and right brain hemispheres … and that is balancing.


I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.