863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Stressful Emotions and Heart Wisdom

Stressful emotions like grief and guilt are powerful bodily experiences. Past conditioning causes us to pull away from painful feelings just as we spontaneously withdraw our hand from a flame. This tendency to move away from and to avoid strong or painful feelings can...

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Activate Your Brain to Repair Itself

One of the most exciting breakthroughs in healthcare focuses on the potential for the brain to repair itself. This capacity for self-renewal is generally known as neuroplasticity. The brain's ability to grow in adult life and repair itself has been documented with MRI...

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A Drug-Free Solution to Migraines

I know from personal experience that migraine headaches can be debilitating. I've had a history of migraines, along with both of my parents. Drugs may offer relief but do not address the underlying cause of migraines. If we're not addressing the cause they'll keep...

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Chronic Pain & Genetic Memory

I've written about how we're often mistaken about the source of our chronic pain. While it's natural to attribute pain to a structural abnormality like arthritic changes, or a damaged disc, more often than not this assessment of the source of pain is incorrect. And,...

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Your Mind Can Heal Your Brain

One of the accepted principles of conventional brain science is that the brain creates the mind. We could say that the mind is just a reflection of what the brain is doing. This outdated and very limiting point of view couldn't be further from the truth. You can use...

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The New Medicine is Here!

In a recent JAMA article a leading pain researcher, Dan Cherkin, PhD, demonstrated that mind-body interventions for the treatment of chronic back pain and other illnesses were more effective than usual medical care. This is really important because usual care has led...

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The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence

A HeartMath video discussing the intelligence of the heart has been circulating recently on Facebook, perhaps you've seen it. I've included a longer video from the Institute of HeartMath below for those who are interested, but first I would like to share some thoughts...

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The (Almost) Magic Pill – Brain Integration

Common complaints ranging from insomnia to acid reflux and to pain and anxiety can all be resolved or positively supported when your middle prefrontal cortex is performing its job. Ideally, this brain region should be engaged and performing all of its nine integrative...

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Take Control of Your Brain for Pain and Anxiety

Here's a simple process to integrate your brain function and assist in relieving pain or anxiety, and other symptoms, as well. First, we should review how pain and anxiety can be triggered by the brain in the first place.   Old, unfinished and often unacceptable...

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Mind-Body Approach Beats Usual Care for Back Pain

Mind-Body Approach Beats Usual Care for Back Pain

I've written about how chronic back pain is best treated with a mind-body approach. This week a JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) article shows that mindfulness, yoga, and cognitive behavioral therapy outperform usual care when it comes to low back...

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Heart Wisdom … A Solution Right Under Our Noses

The pace, pressures, and traumas of life pull us out of our heart and into our head. Living in our head keeps us in control and at a safe distance from reality and the creative, often vulnerable, felt wisdom of the heart. The heart's wisdom communicates as an energy...

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The Perils of Ignoring Your Body’s Wisdom

We tend to live in our heads, safely divorced from the sensations and feelings that emanate from the life of our bodies as if only thinking mattered. Thinking is easy because it's automatic ... but we do have options. Learning to connect with the felt life of your...

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Supplemental Ketones to the Rescue

Earlier this year I read the account of a Dr. Terry Wahl who recovered from Progressive Multiple Sclerosis through diet. She documented her amazing story and the specifics of the diet in The Wahl Protocol. The good news is that it's possible to do the medically...

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Breast Health and Iodine

This post is a follow-up to The Iodine and Hypothyroid Dilemma that discussed the safe use of supplemental iodine for thyroid health. In this post, we'll take a brief look at the role iodine plays in breast health. Here are some interesting facts regarding iodine and...

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The Iodine and Hypothyroid Dilemma

The symptoms of underactive thyroid function, starting with weight gain and low body temperature, dry skin, depression, constipation, fuzzy thinking, fatigue, headaches, high cholesterol and fibromyalgia, are epidemic. Thyroid experts suggest that up to 90% of the...

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So My Heart has a Brain?

So My Heart has a Brain?

For those of us who tend to be left brain oriented, myself for one, the HeartMath science can be the evidence we need to more fully acknowledge and trust the wisdom of our hearts in the pursuit of healing. This post about the heart is the first in a series addressing...

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Energy Medicine for Cravings & Addictions

Often willpower isn't enough to successfully overcome an addictive craving. Old habitual behaviors can seem to be running on automatic making it much easier to repeat and reinforce them than to alter them. Over time, this is a pattern that not only keeps us stuck but...

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EFT & Energy Psychology Research

One of the most effective healing techniques I've experienced, which also happens to be one of the easiest to learn, so easy you can teach it to your children, is also one of the most difficult to explain or to make sense of from a western scientific point of view....

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Anxiety and Sleep Medications … The Real Dangers

In his new book Deadly Psychiatry And Organised Denial, Professor Peter Gøtzsche reveals that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United Kingdom behind heart disease and cancer. I would suggest that this holds true for the U.S. as well. In an...

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Probiotics for Anxiety

Common experience tells us that anxiety can have a detrimental influence on our digestive tract. For example, when we're anxious our stomach can become upset, or our bowel can become disturbed in one way or another. We might say that a certain anxious episode made us...

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