You Didn’t Do It. It Was Your Autonomic Nervous System!
I love dogs in part because I find it hard to judge them. Something in me knows they are who they are and that makes them better than okay in my book. I only wish I had more of that same accepting attitude towards humans in general and myself in particular. I'm going...
The Highly Sensitive Man Isn’t What You Think
Sensitivity in men, while potentially a gift and strength can frequently lead to suffering when it's not understood or appreciated. If you're reading this there's a good chance that you're a highly sensitive man or at least know one. This trait often leads to...
Transforming Anxiety with Heart Wisdom in The Highly Sensitive Person
Anxiety isn't our foe, but it certainly feels that way. The real enemy is our resistance to our anxious feelings and the awareness of the things in our life they relate to. Resisting anxiety sounds like a no-brainer and the thought of not resisting it, or even the...
Reducing Pain & Illness in the Highly Sensitive Person
Over the years I've become acutely aware that the avoidance of stressful feelings is a major cause of both physical and emotional suffering. I know this sounds counter-intuitive, but over and over, I've seen both physical pain and anxiety ease or vanish as stressful...
The Highly Sensitive Person in Pain
The highly sensitive person (HSP) is more vulnerable to the growing epidemic of stress-induced chronic pain and illness than those with a less sensitive nervous system. On the other hand, the HSP has a distinct advantage when it comes to resolving stress-induced pain...
What’s Causing Chronic Pain & Illness in the Highly Sensitive Person?
Frequently chronic pain sufferers have tried the best that modern medicine has to offer, along with a variety of natural treatments, diets, and remedies without finding lasting relief. Often pain lingers in spite of our best efforts. Could we simply be missing the...
The Neuroscience of How to Feel Safe in Scary Times
The experience of safety is not only comforting to the soul, it's also an immune booster. So during this COVID-19 pandemic where there is so much uncertainty and fear, it's important for us to be able to experience safety .... for the sake of our immune systems. Just...
How Your Heart Connects You to the Healing Wisdom of Nature … or Not!
Try thinking of your heart as more of an energy and communication center than a mechanical pump. Think Iron Man. Conceptualizing your heart as much more than a pump brings you closer to the modern neurocardiology understanding of your heart. Your energetic heart is...
Quick Tips for Relieving Anxiety & Boosting Immunity
When we're stressed, and who isn't, our bodies divert resources away from fighting microbes to fighting larger potential threats. That's how your nervous system is wired. Tigers, rude bosses, or financial worries take precedence over microscopic life forms....
The Polyvagal Breakthrough for Pain & Anxiety
What if there was an entirely new scientific perspective on what really causes chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and a host of other common conditions ... that was a radical departure from conventional medical thinking? Well, there is new science that focuses on a...
Emotional Detoxification Helps with Physical Toxins Too!
There's a growing awareness concerning the damaging impact of toxins on our health and the need to detoxify. The ever-increasing list of detoxification strategies can include herbs, fasting, special diets and supplements, saunas, colonics, salt rooms, sweat lodges,...
You Can Learn to Dissolve Pain by Training Your Brain!
Since all pain is registered in the brain, you can learn to dissolve both physical and emotional pain with awareness training. Subtle changes in attention styles can create profound changes in how the brain functions. While pain is definitely experienced in the body,...
Heart Coherence Heals Personally, Socially, & Globally!
New research in a variety of scientific fields, like neuroscience, quantum physics, epigenetics, and the electromagnetic fields of the earth, is pointing to new possibilities for healing personally, socially, and globally. Heart coherence, or a pattern of high heart...
Energy Medicine for Anxiety, Depression, & Pain!
A common feature of anxiety, depression, and pain is excessive negative thinking. Unrelenting negative thoughts reflect a neurological state that underlies these all too common conditions. Energy Medicine tools can be very effective for restoring neurological order...
Energy Medicine: Where Physics, Neuroscience, & Self-Healing Merge
One of the biggest obstacles to self-healing is our belief about whether or not self-healing is possible. I find that for most people it’s easier to believe in an external agent, like a drug, vitamin, herb, healer, or healing technique, than in our own inherent healing capacity.
Laser Acupuncture Lights Up Your Brain
Laser acupuncture has been shown to have very specific influences on brain function, via functional MRI imaging, akin to the brain stimulating influences observed with the traditional needling of points. There are two points around this research on laser acupuncture...
Heartburn, Acid Reflux, and GERD
Acid reflux, GERD, and heartburn are big business. The acid blockers like Nexium and Prilosec that are commonly prescribed to treat these conditions are often both unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Studies show that these proton pump inhibitors can cause...
The L.A.A.S.E.R. Protocol Mini Course
This post offers step-by-step instructions for how to use my self-care protocol called L.A.A.S.E.R. This protocol combines some of the awareness skills from the SomaSensing program with laser acupuncture that's designed for you to perform on yourself or a loved one as...
Laser Acupuncture Mimics Your Body’s Wisdom
Do you know that your body uses coherent light ... laser light ... to orchestrate all of your body's healing and repair functions? Biophysicists tell us that our body uses photons … bundles of light traveling at the speed of light … to direct the incomprehensibly...
What Links Prostatitis and Female Pelvic Pain?
One common link between prostatitis and female pelvic pain is that both are often misdiagnosed, inadequately treated, and can linger for months or years. Another connection they share is the mistaken belief that these conditions...