863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com

Anxiety and Sleep Medications … The Real Dangers

by | Sep 23, 2015

In his new book Deadly Psychiatry And Organised Denial, Professor Peter Gøtzsche reveals that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United Kingdom behind heart disease and cancer. I would suggest that this holds true for the U.S. as well.

In an article for London’s Daily Mail he shares the results of his investigation into the use of psychiatric drugs, for which 80 million prescriptions are written each year in the UK. If you’re interested in the alarming details related to the dangers of these drugs and the medical establishment’s denial, please read the article or buy the book.


Education is the Answer

If relying on anxiety medications to get us through the day or sleep meds to get us through the night is beginning to look like a flawed strategy, what else can we do?

Educate yourself. Knowledge is a powerful defense against the organized interests, like Big Pharma, that care only about the bottom line. They can’t sell you a drug if you have your own viable, drug-free strategy for healing. And that takes education and experience.

Here’s what I know. Stress is the primary culprit for most psychiatric and chronic physical conditions. Whether it’s the stress of worrying over finances or the emotionally traumatic incident from years past, it’s still the stress response that’s short-circuiting your potential for peace or healing. The stress response prepares you for defensive actions or for shutting down … not for being healthy and happy.

The stress response is a brilliant survival mechanism it’s when short-lived, however for many of us it’s become an accepted way of life that’s the number one cause of illness. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Within the last week research was published showing a direct connection between stress and Alzheimer’s. This has been suspected  for a while, but this research showed specifically how stress chemistry in the brain triggers the production of the beta amyloid protein that creates the plaques in the brain that are responsible for Alzheimer’s disease. Amazing breakthrough.

The title of the news story that was announcing this research was New Alzheimer’s Treatment Linked to Stress. Yep, they were suggesting that the benefit of this discovery was that a drug could be created that would block this damaging brain chemistry.

That news might be encouraging if you were unaware that your body already knows how to inhibit that chemistry. The truth is your body is intelligent and there are a variety of ways to activate that wisdom.


Accessing Your Body’s Intelligence

Most all of the self-regulating tools that I’m aware of share a few common qualities. Whether it’s Focusing, or Tapping, or Havening, HeartMath breathing, or others, they all suggest a non-judgemental noticing of what’s happening in the body and creating a sense of safety. The individual techniques focus on different routes to ‘safety’.

So the necessary ingredients involve tuning in and being safe. These special ingredients begin to turn off the stress response and to change brain and body chemistry DRAMATICALLY. No drug could ever do that for you safely.

The challenge is that we’ve been programmed our entire lives to be triggered easily into the stress response because of some perceived threat. This pattern can linger in our systems … until we reprogram our brain and body. This takes practice and lots of repetition to become a new brain program. This is how we create a new ‘default’ setting.


Practice, Practice, Practice

The message here is practice, practice, practice. The more you practice your breathing technique, or Tapping, or Havening, the more you create new brain circuitry, chemistry, and new moods and behaviors.

It’s like learning an instrument. Practice, daily practice is necessary to build new skill.

So when it comes to the Tapping technique this means that you need to tap 3-5 times a day on an acute issue in order to create the new brain pathways, the neuroplasticity to change your experience. It does take commited work. However, it does work … and once you’ve learned the basics it’s FREE.

I’m currently working on a new document that will provide all of the supportive science that I can find in support of these self-regulating and self-healing techniques.

My hope is that with more supportive knowledge (to counter the obsolete and outdated science that much of modern, drug-oriented medicine is based on) we’ll all be more inclined to trust in our body’s own innate capacity to heal.


2010-11-07-11.36.03Steven Templin, D.O.M., Dipl. Ac. specializes in Acupuncture and Limbic Brain Reprogramming to address the roots of chronic pain and illness. He offers a comprehensive mind-body program for addressing the underlying inflammation, toxicities, and stress-induced causes of most pain and illness.

He places special emphasis on resolving the stress response and repairing adrenal gland and digestive system function to address the root causes of many common and often difficult to treat illnesses.

He translates emerging research in the fields of Epigenetics, Neurocardiology, Neuropsychology, Energy Psychology, and Functional Nutrition into effective practices that you can perform at home.

You can work with Dr. Templin in his Lakeland office, or online. You can visit his website at www.stevetemplin.com and contact him via email at drtemplin@gmail.com.

You can schedule an office visit with Dr. Templin by calling 863-838-2779.


I’m Steve Templin, a retired Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncturist, Biofeedback practitioner, and currently a HeartMath Trauma-Sensitive Certified Practitioner.

Now I teach embodied mindfulness skills in a personally tailored fashion to help individuals overcome anxiety, and other lingering, stress-induced symptoms. They learn embodied self-regulation practices to help them recover from stress-induced disruptions to their physical health and emotional well-being.

You can learn more at https://stevetemplin.com. Steve lives in the Pacific Northwest with his wife Eileen. He can be reached via email at steve@stevetemplin.com.