
Stress and Magnesium – The Rescue Mineral

Stress gobbles up our magnesium reserves leaving most of us deficient in this crucial nutrient. Therefore, I advise all of my patients to take supplemental magnesium to avoid deficiency symptoms. Furthermore, here are some of the most common signs of magnesium...

Stressful Emotions and Heart Wisdom

Stressful emotions like grief and guilt are powerful bodily experiences. Past conditioning causes us to pull away from painful feelings just as we spontaneously withdraw our hand from a flame. This tendency to move away from and to avoid strong or painful feelings can...

Activate Your Brain to Repair Itself

One of the most exciting breakthroughs in healthcare focuses on the potential for the brain to repair itself. This capacity for self-renewal is generally known as neuroplasticity. The brain's ability to grow in adult life and repair itself has been documented with MRI...

Heart Wisdom … A Solution Right Under Our Noses

The pace, pressures, and traumas of life pull us out of our heart and into our head. Living in our head keeps us in control and at a safe distance from reality and the creative, often vulnerable, felt wisdom of the heart. The heart's wisdom communicates as an energy...

The Perils of Ignoring Your Body’s Wisdom

We tend to live in our heads, safely divorced from the sensations and feelings that emanate from the life of our bodies as if only thinking mattered. Thinking is easy because it's automatic ... but we do have options. Learning to connect with the felt life of your...

EFT & Energy Psychology Research

One of the most effective healing techniques I've experienced, which also happens to be one of the easiest to learn, so easy you can teach it to your children, is also one of the most difficult to explain or to make sense of from a western scientific point of view....

Anxiety and Sleep Medications … The Real Dangers

In his new book Deadly Psychiatry And Organised Denial, Professor Peter Gøtzsche reveals that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United Kingdom behind heart disease and cancer. I would suggest that this holds true for the U.S. as well. In an...

Probiotics for Anxiety

Common experience tells us that anxiety can have a detrimental influence on our digestive tract. For example, when we're anxious our stomach can become upset, or our bowel can become disturbed in one way or another. We might say that a certain anxious episode made us...

Your Ability to Feel Equals Your Ability to Heal

A key theme of my blog posts is that ignored, avoided, and especially, unconscious feelings trigger a stress response that's largely responsible for the breakdown of mental, emotional, and physical health that's so prevalent. Recently a meta-study that was...

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