Stress Response

Body Wisdom & Somatic Focusing

Our body is an interactive intelligence that's just waiting to be acknowledged by our conscious mind. The body's language comes in the form of sensations and feelings, that are all too often ignored or avoided, in favor of more familiar and trusted mental processes....

The Power of Conscious Touch

The more I learn about touch therapies, the more I see that the intention behind the touch is as powerful, or more so, than the exact location of the touch. Whether it's the more informed touch of acupressure, or the caring hand on the shoulder of a loved one, touch...

‘Oy Vey!’ Acupressure for Adrenal Repair!

We all possess an amazing inner wisdom, a wisdom of the body (and spirit), that's just waiting to be tapped for healing and wholeness. I was just reading about the work of psychologist and researcher, Dr. William Emerson. His work focuses on the pervasiveness of...

Updating Memory for Healing Old Wounds

Painful memories and the traumatic energy they contain, can be changed, affording us more peace and wholeness. For me, understanding just how malleable the experience of memories is gives me more confidence when working on my own painful past, as well as when working...

The Placebo & Power to the People!

The placebo, the simple sugar pill, is proving to validate the healing power, not of pharmaceutical drugs, but the healing power of the human mind. The placebo may not add to the coffers of the drug companies, but it can certainly profit individuals in their intention...

Nice Genes!

A Harvard University study that was conducted in 1989 revealed the amazing power that our environment holds over the activity of our genes and our biology. A group of volunteers that were age seventy or over were sequestered in a retreat center for a week. The center...

Polyvagal Theory …. It’s All About Relationships!

Over thirty years ago I was in a significant amount of pain one day while at work and was pleasantly surprised when my pain suddenly went away (though temporarily) after sharing a laugh with some coworkers. That noteworthy experience, that has stayed with me all of...

Stress and Self-Regulation Practices

Here's a brief reminder about the consequences of an unabated stress response, or said another way, what happens when we ignore the needs of our soul and put off our self-regulating practices, such as: yoga, meditation, Focusing, HeartMath techniques, Energy...

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