
GMO’s Modify Your Microflora and More

In a human study it's been found that the modified genes in soy can take residence in our own gut microflora. Since the genes from the microbiome (gut flora) interact with the genes in our own cells, we now become the terrain for 'unknown science', despite the...

Garlic Out Performs Antibiotics … New WSU Study

Here's a link to a new Washington State University study detailing how garlic was 100 times more effective ... and more rapid that the popular antibiotics cipro and erythromycin when treating one of the most common causes of intestinal illness. Since intestinal...

Wheat Belly … and More of Wheat’s Toxic Effects!

I thought you might be interested to know more about the wheat we eat ... and how it adversely affects your health. What's interesting is that for many of us simply eliminating wheat provides benefits that nothing else ... no drug, vitamin, or herb ... will provide...

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