863.838.2779 steve@stevetemplin.com
Your Beliefs Control Your Biology

Your Beliefs Control Your Biology

I can hear Deepak Chopra, M.D. saying that the purpose of the human nervous system is to make your beliefs come true. If that's true, it would be wise to examine your beliefs carefully. I can also hear cell biologist Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., who authored The Biology of...

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MindBody Medicine 101 – Part 3

MindBody Medicine 101 – Part 3

This is part 3 of a 3 part post on MindBody Medicine. In the previous posts, we looked at the stress-related nature of most chronic pain and illness and how mindbody approaches to healing differed from conventional methods. In this brief post we'll explore the...

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MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 part post giving an overview of MindBody Medicine. In part 1 we discussed how the stress response is the primary cause of most chronic pain and illness. In this post, we'll explore how and why mindbody approaches can be successful where...

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MindBody Medicine 101- Part 1

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 1

MindBody Medicine is an emerging field that includes the mind in the treatment of physical pain and illness. It also includes an awareness of the body in the treatment of mental, emotional, or spiritual issues. The mind and body are seen as an indivisible mindbody...

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The Biology of Surrender & Letting Go

The Biology of Surrender & Letting Go

For me, ‘surrender’ equates with letting go, trusting, and essentially getting out of my own way. This surrender, this letting go helps to clear the way for a larger something within me to emerge. Call it an inner voice, intuition, or spiritual guidance, this larger...

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You Can Control Your Genes

You Can Control Your Genes

The older I get the more aware I've become of how the powers that be try to manipulate me. I've learned that for the most part things aren't what they seem. The government, network news, and the medical industry lie (or conceal the truth) on a regular basis in an...

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Pain is at Epidemic Levels, Why?

Pain is at Epidemic Levels, Why?

Pain is the number one reason for visiting a medical professional. Even with today's high-tech approaches to diagnosis and treatment the U.S. is experiencing an epidemic of chronic, lingering pain. Along with that is a growing population of individuals who are...

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Healing the Chasm Between ‘Us Versus Them’

I don't remember a time when I've felt as much 'us versus them' as I do now. It's not a good feeling either, even when I'm convinced that my point of view is the right one. 🙂 There's no debate to be won. Debate, contentiousness, and the need to prove one's point of...

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Stress Relief Quick Tips: Give me some space, man!

'Give me some space, man!' is a familiar refrain suggesting that we intuitively know what mindbody researchers are confirming. Researchers at the University of Arizona's Center for Integrative Medicine are showing that space, or the lack of space, affects our health....

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The Felt Sense – Your Inner Guidance System

Over the years I've seen countless healing techniques, many promising the sky. Yet, the most powerful and under-appreciated avenue for balancing and healing I've experienced is a universal, self-contained mechanism for healing and wholeness. Within each of us is an...

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Childhood Adversity and the Link to Adult Illness

Major insights into the cause and treatment of illness were discovered twenty years ago ... insights that for the most part are still ignored today. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Kaiser Permanente Adult Childhood Adversity (ACE) studies involving 17,000...

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Acupuncture Relief for Low Back & Knee Pain

A recent NIH study shows acupuncture is effective for treating low back pain and arthritic knees. The study also sheds favorable light on other natural mindbody therapies like yoga and meditation in the treatment of painful conditions.   Chronic Pain is an...

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Mindfulness and Law Enforcement

Here's an article about how mindfulness is changing law enforcement. It's encouraging to see that the benefits of mindfulness practice are being appreciated by those who need it most. Law enforcement officers, firefighters, and other first responders...

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Stress, Sound Therapy, and Your Heart

Our bodies can be amazingly resilient when it comes to responding to stress. While stress is the number one instigator of illness there's much we can do to minimize its influence. One way to address and neutralize the stress effect is with sound. In my office I almost...

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Stress and Magnesium – The Rescue Mineral

Stress gobbles up our magnesium reserves leaving most of us deficient in this crucial nutrient. Therefore, I advise all of my patients to take supplemental magnesium to avoid deficiency symptoms. Furthermore, here are some of the most common signs of magnesium...

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