I Can’t Believe This Is Happening Again
Have you noticed that some experiences in your life, often the less pleasant ones, have a habit of repeating? Have you ever asked yourself, why is this happening again? This post will offer insight on how to make sense of these repeating patterns or themes and more...
Your Body Stores and Releases Trauma Naturally
Your body is your subconscious mind and is just waiting for you to connect with it. I'll say more about learning how to listen to your body's healing language a bit later. Your body partitions off and stores intense or traumatic emotional energy as a form of...
Emotional Stress Release for the Highly Sensitive Person
I remember a patient from many years ago who was experiencing back pain years after, actually a decade after, she had been injured in an auto accident. I was treating her with acupuncture and a variety of manual therapies but I was only able to provide her with...
Come on, Is Being Highly Sensitive Really a Gift?
If you've read much about highly sensitive people you’ve seen articles or books suggesting that your sensitivity is a gift. If it is a gift, the wrapping isn’t very inviting at first glance. And where the heck is the user manual? I’ve spent the better part of my...
HSPs: Your Body is Your Subconscious Mind
The highly sensitive person’s body can be a reliable source of intuition, guidance, and insight if they only knew how to access this information. Complicating this issue is the fact that many HSPs learned early on to mute or ignore bodily felt sensations and feelings...
Experiencing the Calm Within for the Highly Sensitive Person
Inner calm is a gift we can nurture in ourselves. It’s the felt experience of a safe, larger presence of which we are a part. It’s also a neurological state that can be acquired with practice. Spiritual, religious, and scientific communities have referred to this...
Tension is a Doorway to the Self for the Highly Sensitive Person
Tension is a doorway to the Self for the highly sensitive person, while at the same time tension can be a preamble to pain or other chronic health complaints. The less conscious we are of tension, say in our low back, belly, neck, jaw, or temples, the more likely it...
A Take on Breathwork for the Highly Sensitive Person
Before you take that ‘deep therapeutic breath’ you might want to consider a few things about therapeutic breathwork when you're a highly sensitive person. First of all, breathwork can be very therapeutic, especially for HSPs. A gentler, slower, fuller, more rhythmical...
Moving Through Chronic Pain with the Body’s Wisdom for HSPs
Pain is almost always met with resistance. We tend to fear pain and do our best to create distance between ourselves and the painful experience. When it comes to chronic pain, pain that's lingered for three months or more, this reflexive need to resist pain is...
Waking Up Anxious: Self-Regulation Skills for the HSP
Ideally we wake up full of vim and vigor, eager to enthusiastically meet the day. That ideal may be a reach. Waking up feeling some degree of anxiety is probably closer to the norm. We'll explore this issue and see what we can do about it from a self-regulation and...
The HSP Asks, Could My Pain Be in My Brain?
The research showing that most chronic pain is generated in the brain suggests to some, if not many people, that the pain isn't real but imagined. The idea that one's suffering is imagined is insulting, yet that's not what the research is suggesting. It's been assumed...
Safety Soothes the HSP’s Brain
One of the biggest challenges of being a highly sensitive person is the nervous system's reaction, or potential overreaction to threat, real or imagined. Threat throws the autonomic nervous system (ANS) into a protective mode, where we're driven to run, fight, freeze,...
Reframing Anxiety as Subtle Energy for the HSP
Anxiety is an experience that is resisted by most everyone. It makes perfect sense that we'd resist what's uncomfortable emotionally, just like we tend to resist the experience of physical pain. The other side of the anxiety coin is that what we resist, or judge,...
Sensing the Quantum Body for HSPs
As a highly sensitive person, you have the capacity to experience yourself and your body as part of the quantum universe, connected to new possibilities for healing and wholeness. Like me, you likely don't know the math needed to appreciate the quantum universe, but...
The Value of the Internal Family for the Highly Sensitive Person
I'll bet that most everyone reading this is aware of multiple personality disorder. We've seen it portrayed on television and in movies as an attribute belonging to a highly disturbed character. Well, a number of psychological schools of thought propose that we're all...
Five Steps to Mental Clarity for the HSP
We often lose clarity as the wear and tear of the day's events take a toll on the integrity of our brain and nervous system. The afternoon is a common time to feel a drop in physical as well as mental energy and clarity. While many of us have learned to rely on food...
The HSP’s (Often Reluctant) Healing Journey from Head to Heart
Life is challenging and even more so for HSPs who think, feel, and process experience more deeply. While sensitivity is a gift once certain navigating skills are learned, the learning process usually involves first getting lost. It's easy to get lost and even easier...
The Highly Sensitive Trait: It’s Not in Your Head, It’s In Your Brain
One of the most painful emotional injuries we suffer is to feel rejected by those we love, especially family. Often, we're rejected simply because we're different from others, and not understood. Roughly twenty percent of individuals share a biological and genetic...
Navigating Painful Loss for the Highly Sensitive – Part 2
In the previous post, I shared about my loss of hope for a change in human consciousness that would support a more just and sustainable future for us and our planet. What I'm sharing about dealing with painful loss can realistically be applied to any emotional...
Navigating Painful Loss for the Highly Sensitive – Part 1
What's motivating this post about painful loss is my felt pain of losing hope for the creation of a more just and sustainable future for people and our planet. It's about lost hope for the hundredth monkey principle to finally kick in with a surge of consciousness...