Eileen Templin Presents at the Trauma Practice Conference at USF in Tampa
Eileen Templin, LCSW, BCD, RYT will be presenting "Mind/Body Interventions for Trauma: Neuroscientific and Evidence Based Skill Building Practices that Promote Self-Regulation and Neurogenesis" In this workshop, the effects of trauma on the brain and the body will be...
Chinese Medicine and Science: Where East Meets West
One of the significant differences between Eastern and Western Medicine concerns the influence an individual has over their own health. Chinese medicine suggests that humans are imbued with a life force that can be nurtured and balanced in a variety of ways that...
Take Back Your Power to Heal!
“If I told patients to raise their blood levels of immune globulins or killer T-cells, no one would know how. But if I can teach them to love themselves and others fully, the same change happens automatically. The truth is: Love heals.” ...
Protect Your Brain as You Age
Welcome to another edition of the blog, where I do my best to present relevant science that supports the notion that there’s a lot we can do for ourselves, like meditation, energy medicine, and nutrition, to profoundly support our health and wholeness. I recently...
Neuroplasticity: You CAN Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Neuroplasticity refers to the brain's potential for change and growth, not only during the first years of life, but in our adult years too. Our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and experiences, as well as exercise and what we eat, have the potential to activate genes in...
Epigenetics: You Control Your Genes
The commonly accepted belief in western medicine and culture is that we're the powerless victims of our genetics. The idea is that genes are the primary determinants of our health. The work being done in epigenetics contradicts that entire premise. The basis of...
Neurocardiology: Your Heart Has A Brain
Did you know that your heart consists of more neurological tissue than muscle? Your heart actually has its own brain, a brain that is fifty times more powerful electrically, and five thousand times more powerful magnetically, than the brain in your head. Just like the...
The Hidden Epidemic: What’s Making Us Sick & How We Get Well
Welcome to Self-Healing-Science.com where I introduce the new science that validates our self-healing capacities and the practical tools for activating those inner mechanisms. We'll start with the big picture of what makes us sick and how we get well. My hope is that...
Welcome to the Self-Healing-Science Blog….and Website.
Welcome to the first of my posts on Mind-Body Medicine and the introduction of my website. Ideally, the information I share will be an ongoing reminder of your amazing inner capacity for self-healing and provide motivation for you to practice your self-healing...