
The Felt Sense – Your Inner Guidance System

Over the years I've seen countless healing techniques, many promising the sky. Yet, the most powerful and under-appreciated avenue for balancing and healing I've experienced is a universal, self-contained mechanism for healing and wholeness. Within each of us is an...

Heart Wisdom … A Solution Right Under Our Noses

The pace, pressures, and traumas of life pull us out of our heart and into our head. Living in our head keeps us in control and at a safe distance from reality and the creative, often vulnerable, felt wisdom of the heart. The heart's wisdom communicates as an energy...

The Perils of Ignoring Your Body’s Wisdom

We tend to live in our heads, safely divorced from the sensations and feelings that emanate from the life of our bodies as if only thinking mattered. Thinking is easy because it's automatic ... but we do have options. Learning to connect with the felt life of your...

So My Heart has a Brain?

So My Heart has a Brain?

For those of us who tend to be left brain oriented, myself for one, the HeartMath science can be the evidence we need to more fully acknowledge and trust the wisdom of our hearts in the pursuit of healing. This post about the heart is the first in a series addressing...

Body Awareness Quiets the Mind

Have you noticed how a mind can be a terrible thing? A busy mind can torment us in many ways, negatively influencing both our psyche and body. The mind is busy, often negative … worrying or obsessing, and the body is tense. Many of us are so hypnotized by our minds...

Your Body is a Source of Guiding Wisdom

In my experience most of us are unfamiliar with our body as a source of knowledge or wisdom. It may be because of an almost universal identification with the thinking mind. I don’t know if we blame this on Descartes who said “I think, therefore I am” or on stress...

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