
Body Awareness Quiets the Mind

Have you noticed how a mind can be a terrible thing? A busy mind can torment us in many ways, negatively influencing both our psyche and body. The mind is busy, often negative … worrying or obsessing, and the body is tense. Many of us are so hypnotized by our minds...

Anxiety and the Breathing Cure

When you're anxious you tend to over breathe versus breathing silently and slowly through your nose. When you breathe too much you tend to exhale too much carbon dioxide and this actually lowers the amount of oxygen that is available to your tissues and especially to...

Depression … It’s Not What You Think

We’ve been taught to believe that depression and anxiety are the result of chemical imbalances in the brain … that are best treated pharmaceutically … without any consideration for what was actually causing the imbalances in the first place. That’s the mainstream...

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