Stress Response

Do Your Own Stem Cell Research … Pronto!

It's becoming more and more obvious that the 'stem cell' debate is really about our willingness, or resistance, to learn how to activate our own stem cells. Remember that stem cells are those undifferentiated cells in our bodies that have the potential to become...

Iodine for Thyroid Health & More

Iodine deficiency is very likely a significant reason for the epidemic numbers of low thyroid individuals. Iodine is essential for the production of thyroid hormoes, and it's estimated that 96% of the American population is deficient in this crucial element....

When Intellect Isn’t Enough

Intellect isn't enough when it dominates, and interferes with, heart-based intelligence. Heart-based intelligence has been most thoroughly studied at the HeartMath Institute ( Their research shows that through a combination of attention placed on the...

Love … The Last Frontier

Did you know that Darwin, of the 'survival of the fittest' fame, ultimately wrote that the "higher agencies" of love and altruism were the guiding forces of evolution? I find it fascinating that Darwin's, The Descent of Man, which he wrote in his more mature years,...

Invisible Emotional Triggers

Memories, especially unconscious memories, can trigger stress related illness as surely as a real event. Mosquitoes. In our house in Florida mosquitoes are a common ... and unwelcome experience. My wife Eileen and I, who are usually calm, sedate, peaceful recyclers,...

Allergies … A Novel Perspective

Have you ever considered that illness, and allergy in particular, was a meaningful biological event? I'll provide a concrete example of what I'm suggesting, that's based on the research of the German physician, Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. The premise of his work is that...

We Are All Connected … Through Our Hearts

There's a wealth of new science that's suggesting the reality of an invisible web of energy that's connecting all of existence. This invisible, omnipresent connecting medium has been described by a variety of names, including: Zero Point Field, Divine Matrix, Holy...

The Best Anti-Inflammatory is Free!

The best answer to inflammation is to prevent it, by providing your body with a rich supply of free radical scavenging antioxidants. What this means to most of us are fruits and vegetables ... lots of fruits and vegetables. Good idea. And there's an even better way to...

Our Bodies Tell Healing Stories

There's a growing body of research suggesting that illness is often a reflection of unconscious emotional energy, or buried stress. Our language expresses our intuitive understanding of this process when we say, "She's a pain in the neck", or, "This job is eating away...

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