Stress Response

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 part post giving an overview of MindBody Medicine. In part 1 we discussed how the stress response is the primary cause of most chronic pain and illness. In this post, we'll explore how and why mindbody approaches can be successful where...

The Biology of Surrender & Letting Go

The Biology of Surrender & Letting Go

For me, ‘surrender’ equates with letting go, trusting, and essentially getting out of my own way. This surrender, this letting go helps to clear the way for a larger something within me to emerge. Call it an inner voice, intuition, or spiritual guidance, this larger...

Healing the Chasm Between ‘Us Versus Them’

I don't remember a time when I've felt as much 'us versus them' as I do now. It's not a good feeling either, even when I'm convinced that my point of view is the right one. 🙂 There's no debate to be won. Debate, contentiousness, and the need to prove one's point of...

Anxiety and Sleep Medications … The Real Dangers

In his new book Deadly Psychiatry And Organised Denial, Professor Peter Gøtzsche reveals that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United Kingdom behind heart disease and cancer. I would suggest that this holds true for the U.S. as well. In an...

Support for Stressed Adrenals

The adrenal glands bear the brunt of our overly stressed lifestyles. Adrenal overwork and fatigue help to explain how 'stress', something that can seem so mental or emotional, leads to physical illness. Chronic stress disrupts the balance of the adrenal hormones which...

Best Treatment for Stress-Induced Pain

One of the primary reasons that chronic pain doesn't resolve is that the cause of the pain isn't being addressed. Surprisingly, most chronic pain is driven by brain circuits that are stress-induced. One scenario is when we've had pain for a period of time the brain...

Your Body is a Source of Guiding Wisdom

In my experience most of us are unfamiliar with our body as a source of knowledge or wisdom. It may be because of an almost universal identification with the thinking mind. I don’t know if we blame this on Descartes who said “I think, therefore I am” or on stress...

Addressing the Roots of Illness … Almost Free Lecture

This coming Sunday afternoon in Lakeland I'll be giving a talk about the connection between the Gut, Immune System, and Brain. It will be at the Paint-A-Long Studio at 123 Kentucky Avenue ... from 4:30 pm until 7 pm. The price is $5. I'll be talking about how G.I....

Energy Psychology for Self-Healing

Acupuncture point tapping techniques are growing in popularity, primarily because they're effective and easy to learn. They offer a home based, Energy Medicine approach for dealing with the emotional stress and life energy imbalances that are at the root of much...

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