mindbody medicine

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 2

This is part 2 of a 3 part post giving an overview of MindBody Medicine. In part 1 we discussed how the stress response is the primary cause of most chronic pain and illness. In this post, we'll explore how and why mindbody approaches can be successful where...

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 1

MindBody Medicine 101- Part 1

MindBody Medicine is an emerging field that includes the mind in the treatment of physical pain and illness. It also includes an awareness of the body in the treatment of mental, emotional, or spiritual issues. The mind and body are seen as an indivisible mindbody...

The Felt Sense – Your Inner Guidance System

Over the years I've seen countless healing techniques, many promising the sky. Yet, the most powerful and under-appreciated avenue for balancing and healing I've experienced is a universal, self-contained mechanism for healing and wholeness. Within each of us is an...

Mind-Body Approach Beats Usual Care for Back Pain

Mind-Body Approach Beats Usual Care for Back Pain

I've written about how chronic back pain is best treated with a mind-body approach. This week a JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) article shows that mindfulness, yoga, and cognitive behavioral therapy outperform usual care when it comes to low back...

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