
ADD, ADHD, or Just Scattered?

Whether we've been diagnosed with an attention disorder, or we're just feeling scattered, we (adults and children) can learn to be more in control of our minds and bodies. To improve brain function we need to be aware of what causes foggy thinking, a lack of focus,...

Depression … It’s Not What You Think

We’ve been taught to believe that depression and anxiety are the result of chemical imbalances in the brain … that are best treated pharmaceutically … without any consideration for what was actually causing the imbalances in the first place. That’s the mainstream...

From Drugs to Bugs

In my previous posts regarding the stress response I mentioned how damaging stress was to our health and well-being in general and to the digestive system more specifically. The takeaway was that we need to learn to turn off the stress response as best we can ......

Addressing the Roots of Illness … Almost Free Lecture

This coming Sunday afternoon in Lakeland I'll be giving a talk about the connection between the Gut, Immune System, and Brain. It will be at the Paint-A-Long Studio at 123 Kentucky Avenue ... from 4:30 pm until 7 pm. The price is $5. I'll be talking about how G.I....

Gut Microbes, Insulin Resistance, & More

I just read an article that began 'An exciting presentation at the International Liver Conference'. Who wouldn't be compelled to read further? The article discusses the impact that our intestinal flora has in either creating or preventing insulin resistance, diabetes,...

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