
Activate Your Brain to Repair Itself

One of the most exciting breakthroughs in healthcare focuses on the potential for the brain to repair itself. This capacity for self-renewal is generally known as neuroplasticity. The brain's ability to grow in adult life and repair itself has been documented with MRI...

So My Heart has a Brain?

So My Heart has a Brain?

For those of us who tend to be left brain oriented, myself for one, the HeartMath science can be the evidence we need to more fully acknowledge and trust the wisdom of our hearts in the pursuit of healing. This post about the heart is the first in a series addressing...

Anxiety and Sleep Medications … The Real Dangers

In his new book Deadly Psychiatry And Organised Denial, Professor Peter Gøtzsche reveals that psychiatric drugs are the third leading cause of death in the United Kingdom behind heart disease and cancer. I would suggest that this holds true for the U.S. as well. In an...

Probiotics for Anxiety

Common experience tells us that anxiety can have a detrimental influence on our digestive tract. For example, when we're anxious our stomach can become upset, or our bowel can become disturbed in one way or another. We might say that a certain anxious episode made us...

Rewiring Your Brain: From Negative to Positive Thinking

Our brain is programmed with a bias towards looking for the negative or the threatening, rather than the positive. This is a survival oriented trait that keeps us prepared to defend ourselves. This helps to explain why negative thoughts are so easy to entertain....

Support for Stressed Adrenals

The adrenal glands bear the brunt of our overly stressed lifestyles. Adrenal overwork and fatigue help to explain how 'stress', something that can seem so mental or emotional, leads to physical illness. Chronic stress disrupts the balance of the adrenal hormones which...

Body Awareness Quiets the Mind

Have you noticed how a mind can be a terrible thing? A busy mind can torment us in many ways, negatively influencing both our psyche and body. The mind is busy, often negative … worrying or obsessing, and the body is tense. Many of us are so hypnotized by our minds...

How Do I Quiet My Busy, Anxious Mind?

A busy mind, one that disturbs our peace of mind, or sleep, or makes us anxious, is a reflection of a deeper imbalance. A busy mind reflects a stressed nervous system and brain with negative implications for our mental, emotional and physical health. A busy mind can...

Anxiety and the Breathing Cure

When you're anxious you tend to over breathe versus breathing silently and slowly through your nose. When you breathe too much you tend to exhale too much carbon dioxide and this actually lowers the amount of oxygen that is available to your tissues and especially to...

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